Sunday, November 8, 2009

Beautiful Day at Julian Price Park, near Blowing Rock, NC

What has changed since I've lost all this weight?  Well... pretty much EVERYTHING!

However, I would have to say that the biggest change is my ability to lead an active life and keep up with Shin and Ken in whatever physical activity we might like to enjoy.  Today was a fantastic day... walking the Boone Fork Trail at Julian Price Park was just the right challenge for me.  It was such a nice day and the scenery and companionship was so great that I mostly forgot about my injured knee.  There isn't a LOT of climbing on this trail, but it is challenging with tons of roots, trees, rocks, streams, etc. to maneuver.  Especially challenging were the multiple times that we had to cross the stream/brook that the trail follows.  In some places, I really had to step out of my comfort zone to jump over water or walk across some shaky logs.  In the beginning, I was pretty much relying on Shin and Ken to lend me a hand and help me across, but towards the end I was gaining confidence in what my body can do and was maneuvering the obstacles by myself. 

I guess having this new body is kind of like going from driving an old pickup truck


to sitting behind the wheel of a Ferrari -- I just don't know how much I can step on the gas and how well the brakes are going to work, but I'm slowly figuring it out.  And, just like driving a Ferrari--it's a LOT of fun!

Life is GOOD!!

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