Friday, October 16, 2009

I Love My Friends!

After several weeks of disappointing results with my weight loss efforts, I posted a quite sad, "woe-is-me" update on my facebook page:

Mindy Chaffee Mikami is still struggling to break the 90-pound barrier! This is ridiculous! I'm SO frustrated, I could just cry...part of me knows it's going to eventually happen, but part of me is on the verge of giving up! Does that make me weak?
Imagine my surprise when I got all these fantastic comments from my friends!  I am truly blessed!  I love you all!!

Kenny Hill:  You need to stop . How many women would love to be in your shoes .Keep doing what you doing :)

Susan Marie:  Welchyeah and quit whining...the Melinda Chaffee I know was not a whiner. 90 pounds in 10 months! I would be doing a break-down hallelujah party.

Taj Orr:  Don't give up....your doing great, it will break before you know it.

Fennell Hi:  No..... the reason why you have done so well is actually quite simple..... it's not that you're doing something "new". The reason why you have done and will continue to do well is that you KEEP SHOWING UP... in the face of pain you SHOW UP in the face of just being tired you SHOW UP in the face of self doubt that we all have you SHOW UP! That's why you will continue on your path and find results because you WILL SHOW UP! Love, success and strength will always and forever be your mate and meet you at the door Mindy. Your strength is awesome and I'm watching and getting engery from it.

Adam Franklin:  Well Spoken Fennell.  No great feat without great effort.

Adam Franklin:  Well, which part of you are you gonna listen to?  The one that wants to give up after we've made it 75% to our goal(WTF!!!), Or the one that you and me both share, that will @#$%ing Die!!! Before it gives up, or concedes to failure.  It gets darkest right before the dawn. The sun will come up.(Soon)

Mindy Chaffee Mikami:  I am SO lucky to have so many amazing friends. I can't believe how many of you took the time to write words of encouragement on my behalf! Fennell is right--my success IS a result of continuing to "SHOW UP," but what I've realized today is that the reason I am able to continue to "SHOW UP" is that I have such an awesome support group in you--all of my friends! I love you all...keep watching're going to see less of me SOON!

Adam Franklin:  That's more like it.

Micho Velickovich:  ...and the crowd screams in unison..."Mindy, Mindy, Mindy"

Fennell Hi:  :-)

Leslie Hoehne:  Just remember - pain is fear leaving the body.

Mindy Chaffee Mikami:  Thanks, LH! I think I've heard Adam (my trainer) say that before! He's just full of nuggets of wisdom these days!! Miss ya'!

Adam Franklin:  "Pain is weakness leaving the body" It's a marine quote. U were close though. It's OK.

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