Friday, February 21, 2014

Back on track!

So... this seems to be the struggle for EVERY person who loses weight--especially if they lose a LOT of weight. I lost 110 pounds and then gained 75 of it back. I was so ashamed and disgusted that it caused me to not want to see my friends. What would they say/think? They had seen me some time ago and I had gotten so "skinny." They were proud of me. They congratulated me. 

Now I was fat again (not AS fat, but still FAT). Surely they would judge me. Surely they wouldn't love me as much.

Well, guess what? The only person who judged me and didn't love me as much was ME! Abandoned by the trainer who helped me lose all the weight (let's just say his girlfriend was the reason), I was lost. I didn't care and I just kept getting fatter.

Then, some friends at work joined a boot camp. I went, too, but I didn't change my eating habits. I worked out pretty regularly and even managed to complete a 5K (or other race) every month. However, I was still getting fatter!

My co-worker, Linda, told me about her boot camp, and I decided to give it a try. It's close to work and it's mostly ladies, mostly my age. I did the boot camp, but I still didn't fix my diet. I was tired, bored and lonely, and food was my solace.

What happens after that is for my next post.

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