Sunday, December 20, 2009


If you follow my facebook page, you might see the letters "DSP" show up here and there. Lots of people ask me what it means. Lots of people also ask me what kind of exercise/physical activity I do as part of my weight loss program. Well, the initials are a part of the answer. DSP stands for "Do Some Pushups," which is Adam's constant mantra aimed in my direction. So... do I do pushups? You BET I do!

So... other than pushups, what do I do for my physical activity?  Well, here's what a typical week is like:

Monday:  Workout with Adam at Fitness Together
Tuesday:  Cardio on my own (60 - 90 minutes)
Wednesday:  Workout with Adam at Fitness Together
Thursday:  Cardio on my own (60 - 90 minutes)
Friday:  Workout with Adam at Fitness Together
Saturday:  Walk/Run on the Greenway (12 miles)
Sunday:  Walk/Run (Sometimes I climb Crowders Mountain)

What's a workout with Adam like?  Tough as hell!

The first 15 minutes are cardio (treadmill, eliptical machine, or recumbent bike) on my own.

Next it's 45 minutes of training with Adam.  What kind of stuff do we do?  Here's a sampling:
Running up & down the stairs
Jumping Rope
Hitting/kicking the punching bag
Stepups (sometimes with weights)
Body weight squats
Jumping jacks
Squat jumps
Every kind of weight training imaginable

So... if you wanna' get tough and buff like me (LOL), that's the recipe.  Who's not too scared to try it out?


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Changing Course

Hello everyone!

I had the opportunity to IM with one of my facebook friends the other day.  He was bemoaning the fact that he's gained some weight and said that he would like to lose a few pounds.  He asked me some questions about what I do and said something like, "That sounds like a tough program... I need to start something like that---after the New Year."  I told him that there was no need to wait until January and that there was no better time than now to get started (I think I was channeling Adam)!

Today, I had the chance to IM with my friend again.  He mentioned that he is following my advice and has started working on improving his health.  Interesting how one comment can affect us and help us change course, huh?  It's a great feeling to know that I can have a positive influence on my friend, and possibly, even people who I don't know.

Thanks for reading my blog.  Since a lot of people are curious about my exercise program, in my next post I'm going to talk about what my daily activities are like.  Check back in the next few days to read all about it.  In the meantime, DSP (shorthand for "Do Some Pushups!")